jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

My experiencie learning english

English is one of the most spoken languages worldwide, little by little it has been over crowded and has been part of the teaching of many individuals from a very early age. Has shown almost a requirement in many jobs and careers, is an advantage, a plus for training, especially abroad, in a world language that aims to move on and raising their level of quality in terms of education of the population, particulary aims to reach everyone equally, without discrimination.

Since childhood, rather from the elementary school I started to learn English because we have been taught that it is a very important tool for our future, and now I have seen this. From first grade I've had courses in English, beginning to learn from basic words (colors and stuff) and listening to songs, which I think is the best way to learn. So I went with English the rest of basic education, and although I learned a lot, I think I had not the best quality of learning, maybe they were too few hours devoted to this subject. In high school, I had a little more progress, submitting to readings and lectures, which became more enjoyable when we chose subjects of our interest, like the music I've always liked English, but it always cost me that is grammar and stuff, but I learned more in this period. Within this stage, the family got to meet my relatives from Canada who came to visit Chile, who speak French and English, so that Spanish was their difficult, but it was a great challenge for me, because every time who visited us was to listen and understand more, although often complicated I think I understand the general ideas. Along with that, the chat but I did something to test my abilities because I also wrote in English, and something I do understand and forming the necessary prayers. I'm currently in college learning English, and learned a bit more and more rescue is to associate my career.

English is fundamental in every sense, although I not previously thought so. In my career has served me well for many of the tools we use are in English, and has given me learn a little more study. At the same time in the future I intend to go abroad to continue studying and working, which is absolutely essential to learn the language more and more universal. For me is a challenge, but is not impossible

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

Just me

Well, the truth is that I've thought enough about to write and I haven't in mind a particular topic, something specific to talk or tell, perhaps it is important to have part of my dreams or part of my life, so that those not completely known to me to know more about me. If I had to define me in a word, maybe it would be dreamy person because I have many dreams and goals in life: trying to be a great professional and I say this in the sense that I want to help as best as possible to the people, make them happy through of my work. As for my life I can say that I love my family, who are the most precious thing I have and I love sharing every moment I have with them and make them laugh, my parents are my pride and I think all I have is I owe it to them and God, God first. Here's where I stop, yes ... in God because He is where I cast all the things I do in life, is my reason for life and who has given me everything and taught me to live in a different way, teaching me to appreciate every moment of the day and every detail that happens, even enjoying the not so good because that's where you can learn. In short: I am a quiet young women, dreamy, persevering, that puts everything at the disposal of God, who loves his family more than anything and will continue to dream despite everything that might happen.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

The Brain

Dr. Maldonado's presentation was very interesting because it revolved around a very interesting topic in the area of health, the brain.
The brain is an organ of the nervous system rich in neurons with specialized functions constitute the largest part of the brain. It is divided into two hemispheres or halves, called cerebral hemispheres. In certain specialized areas within the brain controlling muscle function, the control speech, thought, emotion, reading, writing and learning, in other words, it is as if our engine, together with the heart. Dr. Maldonado, along with reminding the functions of the brain, explained the differences between a human brain compared with that of other animals, where differences were evident in the number of rows, plus the Dr. we presented a series of myths in relation to this body and can analyze them gradually appreciating when as the presentation progressed, for example, anatomically there is no difference between a male brain and a female brain; which we do not occupy a fraction of it, if we use it 100% but not at the same time, unlike what happens in epilepsy; the brain does not function like a computer, among others. At the end of the presentation, the topic is able to enrich more through questions from the class, and the Dr. answered questions about: stimulation of children, which must be from an early age, but not encouraged and made intermittently, we don’t remember events before 4 years and we don’t learn when we sleep.
For me it was one of the most rewarding presentations that I have witnessed in English because was understandable, clear, accurate information and also had a great willingness by both the teacher and class